message – Which message do you carry out in which target region and how do you convey it?
Consumer behaviour varies according to the specific circumstance
The era of mass marketing has gone for good. Push marketing has now been replaced by pull marketing. Therefore, you need personalised messages that appeal straight to the heart of your target audience. Moreover, you must recognise the changes in behaviour of your target audience as they shift between various situations or contexts. Your product must fill their specific needs. In altered situations, they might need different types of beer. Maudgal Int. assists you in revealing the situations between which your customers/consumers switch and to conduct you all the way into fitting your product and message to meet their expectations. Furthermore, we coach you in supplying your customers with a true experience when buying and consuming your brand. We help you to achieve this through activation programmes concentrated on conceptually leveraging the Belgian Beer Culture.
Your advisor in the new marketing environment
As many other domains, marketing is on the verge of a turning point in history. We only come across changes like these once every 50 years. For many years, marketing was a matter of product, place, price and promotion, also referred to as the four P’s. This approach has now however been replaced by a focus on content, dialogue and collaboration with the customer.
In short, the four C’s –content, conversation, consumer experience and collaboration- call upon the brewing industry as well to join in this new development in marketing. We show you around this process by examining all means of distribution your customers use and advise you to start the dialogue with them. Once more, you will have the opportunity to reveal your company DNA based story.
We have the media work for you
Nowadays, companies can no longer deny the impact of a balanced media mix. Picking out the valuable channels might be difficult because of the overload in choice, beer tastings or other activities in the beer industry. This abundance might cause confusion while choosing between the suitable fora. Maudgal Int. supports you in selecting the most applicable ones and in engineering a proper media strategy to build a community of fans of your beer which will empower your story through, for example, social media.
We fill you in on the latest developments
Attracting attention without having to spend large budgets is not easily done. By following up on the latest news and acting accordingly, we help you to bring your brand under the attention of the radar. Many years of expertise and a vast network enable us to offer you on this level a service you cannot expect elsewhere.