History – What is your story?
Every Brewer has his story
Stories! They are our ultimate navigation tool, providing us with confidence and enhancing emotional correlation with others and the world. In a time where everybody debates on content marketing, social media marketing, brand journalism, etc. only connection and storytelling lead the way to success. We assist you in creating and constructing a convincing story for your activities and your brand. A striking story that will support you with a positive image and that, more importantly, will get around.
In the digital era, mouth-to-mouth publicity remains very important, especially through reinforcing media.
We cherish storytelling because we all experienced the joys of storytelling in our childhood. The more emotion a story holds, the more pleasure we perceive in hearing, reading or seeing it. Every brewer has his own story.
DNA – What is your brand’s DNA?
Why you need to acknowledge the DNA of your brand
Differentiation leads the way to success in marketing. Strong marketing allows you to convince customers or purchasers. You have to divert them from merely considering the price of your product. Your product has to stand out from the crowd and you must avoid it being considered as thirteen in a dozen. It all comes down to differentiation. Due to our years of experience in the beer industry, Maudgal Int. will second you to emphasise in your communication the unique identity of your product. Highlighting these characteristics, we enable you to obtain a unique position in the market.
We back you in developing your brand identity and in convincing your employees to implement it. Maudgal Int. provides you with strong argumentation in order to obtain a strong brand focused image with your inter-national customers
Maudgal Int. as a sparringpartner
In these uncertain times, your brand needs more than ever a sparring partner who analyses every decision you make. A partner who provides you with the required flexibility to correspond to the quickly changing market conditions.
Maudgal Int. relies on years of experience in the brewing industry and knows the ins and outs of sales and marketing as well as of commercial engineering and all other pragmatic aspects of your commercial activities.